Sunday 28 December 2014

Blogging Along Nicely.

Greetings Tempestuans.

With 2014 coming to a rapid close, I thought I’d post a few lines to sum this year up for me and to also disclose one or two of my own personal goals for 2015.

This year has seen my first live gig.......ever....... with several more following on. I wasn’t too sure what to expect from performing, other than to get the massive buzz that everyone seemed to be going on about once it was all over. However, it seems that in this regard, like many others in my life, things just ain’t too normal for me. Once we’ve set up our stuff, all I want to do is get on and play. I have no massive nerves or anything, which I am always grateful for, but rather a hunger to crack on with it. When I’m on stage, the buzz is great, but once it’s all over I just want to go to sleep. The first time this happened I was really disappointed. I’d heard from other performers that I’d be really pumped up and buzzing from the show, but all I did was fight my eyelids until I hit the sack. It was then I discovered that I get my high the following day. Those of you who know me will be well aware that I am famous for not waking up until after 11am, whether my eyes are open or not. The beauty of this trait for me was that as I started to get my brain functioning the following morning, I started to recall what had happened the night before. The downside to this trait though is that by the time I had got to work I was grinning from ear to ear like some special kind of idiot, which gave me quite a bit of unwanted attention I can tell you.

So, in a year I have gone from someone who really had no idea if he could pull this live performing thingy off to someone who appears to be able to. It could just be that people who have seen us are just being kind, but the comments we have received have all been positive. For that I would very much like to thank you all.

For me I would like 2015 to expand on our growing list of cover tracks and get cracking on what can easily be described as an original album of material just waiting in the wings to be completed. I’d very much like to get into a studio and record our work, which is something I now the rest of the guys are eager to do, and take up an offered opportunity to get some video work done as well. I’d also like to get the chance to play a larger variety of venues, with both known and unknown audiences, so if anyone out there has any ideas of where they’d like to see us play (positive suggestions only please) then please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.

Finally I’d like to end with a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to see us perform. It is only with your support that we can grow in the way we very much want to.

I hope you’ve all had a very Merry Christmas, that you’ll all have a great time over New Year and I wish you all the very best for 2015.

Take care and thanks for reading,

Nic x

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