Sunday 9 November 2014

Soon be Christmas!

Hi All,

Been a while but it's been a busy time for all of us; oh that we could do the music thing for a living!

We've been working up some new originals and Nic's song has finally made it into the set which means that we're all now represented and it's added yet another style to our already eclectic mix! How do you agree on what genre you play as a band if you have five writers all with widely varying styles? One thing is for sure; whatever style we play, it will always have the Short Tempus 'sound'. Keep an ear out for 'Stalker', 'Too Old For This' and 'Back In The Game'. Up next on the 'to do' list are another one each from Gilles and Steve with 'Raised By Wolves' and 'I Don't Mind' respectively.

We're also working up some new covers form The Jam, Iggy Pop and The Cult which will be making an appearance soon..............once we've got our collective heads into making them Short Tempusised.

There'll be some changes in the New Year as I'm going to be working back in the UK and that means more rehearsal time, more gigs and hopefully some studio time. Having an EP at least out there would mean that I'd have something to show my grandchildren if nothing else! It's going to be odd being back to traffic jams, long days and high taxation but all things must end sooner or later.

I've been lucky enough to make some good friends out here and touch base with some old ones. The Blues Project, far from being over, will continue and I'll be flying back as often as I can to rehearse with the guys and play a few gigs. I may even to be able to persuade them to come over and play a set with ST once in a while.

Only a short catch up this one so it just leaves me to mention that we're playing Asylum in Chelmsford on Saturday 22nd November. Looks like we're on late but there's two other bands on before that'll be worth watching so come down. Entry is free and it's a purpose built venue so it should be good all round.


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