Sunday 7 September 2014

Not Getting Too Blogged Down.

Well hello again my fellow Tempestuans (I’m gonna make this stick if it kills me). It’s been a while since my last blogging effort but I’ve been a bit tied up of late between work, decorating, recovering from work and decorating and generally feeling a bit under the weather. Never fear though, like the proverbial bad penny I’m back and clicking away at the keyboard in a somewhat misguided attempt to bring you kicking and screaming into the mindset of the rock legends that we are verily becoming (at least in our befuddled heads if nowhere else).

Since we last spoke…………well, typed and read I suppose…………..OK, at the very least I typed…………….we’ve had a few more gigs under our belts. Duncan has already told you about what I lovingly refer to as our world tour of the vicinity of Brentwood, where we did two gigs in two nights. It was great to compare the two nights, as one was a completely unknown crowd and the other was a regular venue. Both nights went down a storm, the second for very different reasons to the first, but I won’t repeat what has already been written about by others. You can look back and check it out yourself. Even I can do that and I don’t have a clue when it comes down to this tech stuff.

It has now been six months since our first gig at The Essex Arms in March, almost to the very day in fact, and I’ve been thinking back over what we have done during this time to see if I’m still getting the buzz from doing it that I hoped I would. I’ve got the lyrics and timings of 30-odd songs jammed into my head, with the prospect of another 6 new ones ready to roll out next month (5 originals and 1 cover), and the ever present self doubt about my ability to get them across to an audience in a way that doesn’t embarrass us. I’ve turned 44 this year, a week before our first gig in fact, and I’ve never done anything like this before (for details see previous afore mentioned blogs). This singing lark doesn’t come easy to me, unlike general playacting and fronting out, and I have to really work at it to deliver the way I do. Now I know what you’re all thinking, you’re thinking “my word, if that’s what he sounds like after working at it……………….” which could be considered a fair point of view. I am my own worst critic and when I hear our stuff played back I always find fault with what I do, and I suppose I always will, and when you are up there strutting your stuff you can’t hear what you really come across like. I think what I’m trying to get across is that we as a band are reliant on your support and honest critique about our deliveries and I for one would encourage anyone to let me now where they think I’m going wrong and take on board any advice offered to correct it. If you like what we do, then great, by all means let us know because we love being told how great we are, but we also need you to let us know when things aren’t so good because we can’t fix what we don’t know’s broke.  As for the whole buzz thing, damn right I’m enjoying it. When we are up there in the swing of doing what we do, I love the energy that I get from performing to a crowd (or small-ish group depending on you point of view) and it’s fantastic when they respond by dancing and singing along to us. Then, the following day when my mind recaps on the night’s events, I get the buzz again. I’m bloody loving it!!

I think I’ll always have that self-doubt issue, but in my mind that’s a good thing. It’ll keep me grounded and make sure I don’t get complaisant about what we are doing. I’ve been to gigs where the artist relies on past glory to carry off a mediocre performance and I hate it. The classic mistake of pointing the mic at the crown for them to sing your own signature chorus is old, tired and in my opinion a liberty. I don’t want to get to the point where I’m thinking that it’s just another show and coast through it. If I ever got to that point, I’ll jack it in.

I’d like to finish off this little onslaught of diatribe with a word or two of thanks. Firstly a word to Three Birds Blind, Two Faced Serenade and Miss Alie for playing with us over the past couple of months. It creates a bigger variety of music for our audience to listen to and provides a great value for money night out.
Secondly, a shout out to all those who are following us on the interweb, Facechat, Twatter etc. If you can come and see us at some point, it would be great to meet you and have what I like to refer to as a proper chat. For those that can’t, then we are hopefully making progress towards getting our stuff on the site for you to download or listen to in the future.
Finally, a big thanks to everyone who still come out to support us when we play and join us on our journey. When you are up there on stage and see people you know walk through the door to see you perform, it really does humble you. It’s even better when you see them stay until the end of the show, because as we all know, loyalty only goes so far.

Anyway, that’s enough from me for one sitting. I’ll catch up with you all again soon. Thanks for reading,



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