Friday 22 August 2014

The view from the back (of the stage)

Hi everyone, Steve here, hope you're enjoying the summer! 

Thought I'd say a few words, starting with an apology (having seen that recent photo on Facebook) to anyone who sees my grimacing during the gigs, someone commented on my 'stage face' but honestly it's just me battling exhaustion- I don't even know I'm doing it :). Anyway noone really sees me at the back do they? Ah probably for the best. 

Also, sitting at the back next to smoking amps seems to be becoming a regular feature, I'm gonna carry a fire extinguisher if the others expect me to carry on while they smoulder.

Hope people have been enjoying the gigs and look forward to seeing everyone at the next one, I'm trying to figure out how I can get up and dance too- why am I always the one sitting down? 

Hope you like our antidote to all the cheesy music that seems to surround us these days from repetitive radio stations and nauseous adverts. We're certainly not trying to make deliberately obscure music but want to offer something more "authentic" than the drama-school wannabe-gangstas, diet-rockstars, twee-folksters and Disney-dance-acts that seem to make up most radio play. Surely it can't be long before the public gets to grips with all the new technology so we aren't locked into the narrow range of music the industry rams down our throats. Vive la revolution! 

Er, why does everyone keep asking me to stop ranting? 

Anyway, see you soon!


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