Tuesday 29 July 2014

A Casual Acceptance of Blogging

Hi Guys,

Firstly an apology. I’m sorry for not posting anything here for a while. I have been meaning to write a few lines or so over the past couple of weeks but I’ve been stupidly busy at work and it has started to have a negative impact on my social life. I’ve even been late to our rehearsal nights, which has not pleased me in the slightest, let me tell you. Anyhow, I think I’ve now got the situation under control so stand by for a more regular contribution.

Don’t get me wrong……I still hate this damn thing, but even I have to accept that it is a useful platform to advertise what we are doing and to share some of the less scary thoughts that rattle around in our heads. So, in that vein I’m still blogging under duress, but with a slight begrudging air of acceptance....... (Pause) ........... Sorry for the pause there but I just had a giggle fit at the keyboard. I’ve just this second…..or rather just at the second directly prior to the pause……. realised that as I type my blog entry’s I have the same expression on my face that Duncan has on his while we perform Tainted Love. For those who don’t know what that is, get yourselves to a gig and find out.

On that note, I’d like to give a big shout out to all those new people who have liked our Facebook page over the last month or so. HELLO YOU!!!! I hope you all have as much fun following us as we have trying to entertain you. If you like what we are and feel like sharing us (apparently that’s quite important) then please do. If you can get to one of our gigs, then it would be really great to see you. If not, we will hopefully be putting together some live recordings in the near future so you will be able to download them in some way or another - I don’t pretend to understand any of it as regular readers will know. Stay tuned for more about that in due course (or would that be ‘stay iTuned?’).

Right, back to more interesting stuff. We have a stack of original material just waiting to be worked on so we made the decision to make an effort to get some of it out to you. We all met up at the studio last Sunday and worked on 5 of these new tracks for the first time. What made this one so special was that we were able to work on a contribution from each of us in turn. That’s right, even I’ve put something forward. I have to pass a lot of credit though to my daughter, for her lyrical contribution, and to my vocal coach/mate Marcus for musical expertise. The session went really well and we all had a good time playing with the new stuff. I’m betting that none of it will be ready for our next gig, but there should be a healthy showing at the one after that. So look out for ‘Stalker’, ‘I Don’t Care’, ‘Raised By Wolves’, ‘Too Old For This’ and ‘Back In The Game’ at a gig near you soon. You can all play a little game if you like - Who Wrote What! Obviously the normal terms and conditions apply; No family members; No entrants with any connections to the band; No one who knows the answers; etc. Ok, I’m being silly now, but for those of you who have taken the time to follow us it could be a bit of fun. Once we’ve finished them and put them out there for all to see, we might do something like that on the website or Facebook for a laugh. First correct answer gets a t-shirt or something. We’ll see closer to the time. Someone else will have to sort it out though. I’ve only just worked out how to circulate this post properly……and I’m not even sure about that.

Anyhow, talking of our next gig, we’re back at The Essex Arms on Saturday 9th August 2014. I believe the doors are 7:30pm with an 8pm kick-off. It’ll be £4 on the door like last time to help cover our costs for the venue. If enough people turn up they’ll open the bar inside the venue, which is a plus I’m sure. If you’ve seen the ad already you’ll know that we’re being supported by a new young band called Two Faced Serenade, as well as a few ditties from Miss Alie. As always, it will be great to see as many of you there as possible. At the last gig it felt great performing to an audience who were singing along to what we were playing, and even having a dance or two. Like I said, there’s a bar there, which could have contributed to the dancing bit of the night, but I’m not fussy.

That’s enough from me now. Catch you all again soon.


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