Sunday 29 June 2014

Unfortunately Resigned To Blogging

I guess that there is no way of dodging this blogging bullet so I may as well embrace it, even if it is somewhat begrudgingly.

Well we had our second gig at The Essex Arms in Brentwood last night and it was a blast, even if I do say so myself. Three Birds Blind opened up the night with an hour of their original work, which was great. What was even better was the fact that after they had finished and packed away, they stayed and supported us through to the end of the night. We’ve only been doing this gigging lark for 5 minutes or so but what I have noted is a lack of support from other bands playing a gig with you, which makes things especially difficult when you are the last band on and everyone else has buggered off because their bit is done. So for all these reasons I’d like to say a big thank you to Three Birds Blind and I know I can speak for the band when I say that we are looking forward to joining up again at some point in the future.

Our set had initially timed out to about 1 hour 40 minutes but, with the addition of 2 encore tracks (thanks to all for asking by the way) we ended up on stage non-stop for just under 2 hours…………..and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Yes there were a few fluffs along the way but hey, this is live music. Luckily most of them were with our original work so not many people would know the difference anyway. The worst event was Duncan’s bass amp blowing up half way through the final track and having to play the encore plugged into the PA system. It was especially nice to see people singing along to the tracks we were playing and when people came up to the front of stage and started dancing……..well, I can’t really describe the buzz it gave me. All of you that have been following us and these blogs will know that I haven’t been doing this thing very long and to interact with an audience like we were last night was just amazing.  I can’t wait to go again and will continue to do my best not to let you all down.

I think it only right that I also say a thank you to Paul, the sound engineer at The Essex Arms. For those that came along, he was the somewhat mental guy operating the desk at the back of the room. I missed it myself but I have been reliably informed that half way through the set he started blowing bubbles into the audience and then accompanied us on a tambourine. It may be something we consider adding to our repertoire in the future as those closest to him thought it sounded quite good. So, to Paul………thanks mate.

We were quite anxious about playing last night as we had a slight hiccup at our rehearsal session the night before. For part of the session we had a little 7-year-old female visitor who wanted to see us play. She listened to 5 or 6 tracks and then promptly threw her guts up. I guess this means that it would be unwise for us to advertise for children’s parties.

Catch up with you all again soon. Thanks for reading,


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