Sunday 1 June 2014

Continuing to Blog Under Duress.

So, as most of you will probably know we had a gig at The Miley in Rochford last night. We didn’t realize at the time we organized it, nor did the Miley staff, that there was boxing on at the same time starting around 10pm. As the pub advertises the fact that they show live sports, we had to take a break for the fight and then pick up again after. This meant that our 2-part set became a 3-part set and we didn’t finish until gone 11:30pm.

All the same though, we had a great time. I think that by the end of the night we had all made mistakes of some kind but that just adds to the flavor of a live performance. As it was said by a mate, “no one wants to go and listen to what they could get on a CD”. I myself woke up that morning like a dribbling snot monster. The pollen count was apparently high and I was getting hayfever quite bad. It showed no signs of clearing up by lunchtime so I popped to the chemist and took one of everything. I do remember the bloke behind the counter saying something about dosage but I missed that as I shot swiftly out of the door. By the time it came to perform I had no snotty nose or itches threatening to cause errant sneezing, but my throat did feel a little tight. As soon as we started I knew the high notes were going to cause a bit of trouble so got my apology in first for any squeaks that may or may not produce themselves. They did indeed pop up from time to time but those of you who managed to come along will know all too well how I dealt with those. Let’s just say that my solution could be considered somewhat unique to the rock world.

We of Short Tempus are all suffering some kind of ache or strain today. For me it’s a stiff back. Strange for a vocalist I grant you but there we have it. It has been said that we cannot use our progressive age as a reasonable excuse for our ails as The Rolling Stones keep smashing it up on a regular basis. My counter to this argument is that The Stones don’t have to hump there own blasted gear about, let alone set it up and break it down after the gig.  Still, it is but a small price that we are willing to pay for providing you all with some worthwhile entertainment, not to mention the buzz we all get from actually doing it.

I’d like to finish off with a thank you to everyone who turned out to support us last night. It’s really great that you did so and seem happy to turn out again in the future. Those of you who have read my previous ramblings will know that this was only the second gig I have ever done and I found it strange to perform in a place where there were people there who were not there just to see us. With any luck we may have converted them into Tempestuans (I just made that up) and see them again. For me personally there were a couple of people present who made my night for me. I’ll mention no names but the t-shirts speak for themselves. Wear them with pride folks, although I understand that one is already doing so. You know who you are. If you really do like what we do, please feel free to visit the Lemonrock website and write a review about how fantastically awesome we all are (especially the lead vocalist). This will help us get more bookings in the future. Of course, if you thought we stank then please don’t put yourself to any trouble.

I’m still looking forward to a gig where I’m not commemorating something or other but who cares. It’s the fun getting there that counts. Please don't forget that we are performing with 3 other bands at The Chinnereys in Southend on 13th June. 

I have to agree with the aging rockers previously mentioned, for me it really is, ” a gas, gas, gas “.

Thanks for reading,



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